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Generalized Riccati Theory and Robust Control. A Popov Function Approach
Vlad Ionescu
Cristian Oară
Martin D. Weiss
10.66 Mb
История радиосвязи в экспозиции Центрального музея связи имени А.С. Попова: Каталог (фотоальбом) History of radiocommunication in the exposition of A.S. Popov Central Museum of Communication. Catalogue (photo album)
Центральный музей связи имени А.С.Попова
37.68 Mb
Kakva ili kolika drzava. Ogledi o politickoj i drustvenoj istoriji Srbije XIX–XXI veka
Olga Popovic–Obradovic
3.26 Mb
Matematicas Superiores en Ejercicios y Problemas 1
P.E. Danko
A.G. Popov
T.Ya. Kozhevnikova
41.78 Mb
Reciprocal Frame Architecture
Olga Popovic Larsen
16.14 Mb
The Road to War in Serbia: Trauma and Catharsis
Nebojsa Popov
Военная история
56.24 Mb
Biodiversity of Eastern Rhodopes: (Bulgaria and Greece)
Petar Beron
Alexi Popov
8.32 Mb
Defining Identities: We, You, and the Other in the Dead Sea Scrolls; Proceedings of the Fifth Meeting of the IOQS in Groningen (Studies on the Texts of the Desert of Judah)
Florentino Garcia Martinez and Mladen Popovic
1.64 Mb
Kontaktmechanik und Reibung: Ein Lehr- und Anwendungsbuch von der Nanotribologie bis zur numerischen Simulation (German Edition)
V.L. Popov
3.64 Mb
Computational Intelligence in Time Series Forecasting: Theory and Engineering Applications (Advances in Industrial Control)
Ajoy K. Palit
Dobrivoje Popovic
2.28 Mb
Matemáticas Superiores en Ejercicios y Problemas 2
P.E. Dankó
A.G. Popov
T.Ya. Kozhévnikova
46.05 Mb
Hall Effect Devices, Second Edition (Series in Sensors)
R.S. Popovic
11.47 Mb
MIsija London
Alek Popov
2.82 Mb
Nanotechnological Basis for Advanced Sensors
Johann Peter Reithmaier
Perica Paunovic
Wilhelm Kulisch
Cyril Popov
Plamen Petkov
10.84 Mb
Engineering Mechanics of Solids (Prentice-Hall International Series in Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics)
Egor P. Popov
119.24 Mb
Fundamental aspects of electrometallurgy
Konstantin Ivanovich Popov
Stojan S. Djokić
Branimir N. Grgur
7.32 Mb
Functional Integrals in Quantum Field Theory and Statistical Physics
V. N. Popov
J. Niederle
2.81 Mb
Engineering Mechanics of Solids
Egor P. Popov
11.21 Mb
Communication Protocol Engineering
Miroslav Popovic
5.69 Mb
Functional Integrals in Quantum Field Theory and Statistical Physics (Mathematical Physics and Applied Mathematics)
V.N. Popov
7.21 Mb
Functional Integrals in Quantum Field Theory and Statistical Physics (Mathematical Physics and Applied Mathematics)
V.N. Popov
5.22 Mb
Environmental Toxicology III (Wit Transactions on Ecology and the Enviromnment)
V. Popov
C. A. (editors) Brebbia
2.24 Mb
Nanostructured Materials for Advanced Technological Applications (NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics and Biophysics)
Johann Reithmaier
Plamen Petkov
Wilhelm Kulisch
Cyril Popov
48.28 Mb
Diffraction Gratings and Applications (Optical Science and Engineering)
Erwin G. Loewen
Evgeny Popov
135.08 Mb
Environmental Health & Biomedicine
C. A. Brebbia
M. Eglite
I. Knets
R. Miftahof
V. Popov
8.96 Mb
Nanostructured Materials for Advanced Technological Applications (NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics and Biophysics)
Johann Reithmaier
Plamen Petkov
Wilhelm Kulisch
Cyril Popov
12.45 Mb
Functional integrals in quantum field theory and statistical physics
Viktor Nikolaevich Popov
6.58 Mb
Functional Integrals in Quantum Field theory and Statistical Physics
Viktor Nikolaevich Popov
6.63 Mb
Air Pollution XIX (Transactions on Ecology and the Environment) (Wit Transactions on Ecology and the Environment)
C. A. Brebbia
J. W. S. Longhurst
V. Popov
11.72 Mb
Boundary Elements and Other Mesh Reduction Methods XXXIII (Wit Transactions on Modelling and Simulation)
C. A. Brebbia
V. Popov
7.87 Mb
Generalized Riccati theory and robust control: a Popov function approach
Vlad Ionescu
Cristian Oara
Martin D. Weiss
Martin Weiss
1.34 Mb
Popov V.N. Kontinual#nye integraly v KTP i statisticheskoj fizike (1976)(ru)(L)(T)(129s).djvu
2.77 Mb
Popov V.N. Kontinual#nye integraly v KTP i statisticheskoj fizike (1976)(ru)(K)(T)(256s).djvu
2.80 Mb
Konopleva N.P., Popov V.N. Kalibrovochnye polya (1972)(ru)(T)(240s).djvu
2.60 Mb
Popov E.V. Teoriya i raschet gibkih uprugih sterzhnej (Nauka, 1986)(ru)(K)(600dpi)(T)(296s)_PCem_.djvu
6.50 Mb
Kulish P.P., Popov V.N. (red.) Voprosy KTP i stat. fiziki 6. Zapiski LOMI, t.150 (Nauka, 1986)(ru)(K)(600dpi)(T)(224s)_P_.djvu
8.51 Mb
Vinberg E#., Popov O. Teorija invariantov (Algebraicheskaja geometrija - 4)(Itogi VINITI 55, 1989)(ru)(L)(T)(95s).djvu
2.44 Mb
Vinberg E#., Popov O. Teorija invariantov (Algebraicheskaja geometrija - 4)(Itogi VINITI 55, 1989)(ru)(L)(95s).djvu
1.91 Mb
Springer T., Vinberg E., Popov V. Algebraicheskaya geometriya 4 (Itogi VINITI 55, 1989)(ru)(L)(T)(142s).djvu
3.61 Mb
Springer T., Vinberg E., Popov V. Algebraicheskaya geometriya 4 (Itogi VINITI 55, 1989)(ru)(L)(142s).djvu
2.83 Mb
Poznyak E#., Popov A., Evtushik L., Ostianu N., Mikesh J., Ignatenko V. Geometrija - 2 (Itogi VINITI tom 11, 2002)(ru)(L)(T)(109s).djvu
2.44 Mb
Poznyak E#., Popov A., Evtushik L., Ostianu N., Mikesh J., Ignatenko V. Geometrija - 2 (Itogi VINITI tom 11, 2002)(ru)(L)(109s).djvu
1.93 Mb
Popov I.Yu. Lekcii po matematicheskoj fizike (ru)(T)(57s).djvu
317 Kb
Samarskij A.A., Popov Yu.P. Raznostnye metody reshenija zadach gazovoj dinamiki (Nauka, 1992)(ru)(T)(424s).djvu
5.39 Mb
Danko P., Popov A., Kozhevnikova T. Vysshaja matematika v uprazhnenijah i zadachah. Tom 2 (Vysshaja shkola, 1986)(ru)(K)(600dpi)(T)(416s)_MCet_.djvu
13.18 Mb
Danko P., Popov A., Kozhevnikova T. Vysshaja matematika v uprazhnenijah i zadachah. Tom 1 (Vysshaja shkola, 1986)(ru)(K)(600dpi)(T)(296s)_MCet_.djvu
9.65 Mb
Ivanov V.I., Popov V.Ju. Konformnye otobrazhenija (MGU, URSS, 2002)(ru)(L)(T)(167s).djvu
4.56 Mb
Popov A.I. Vvedenie v matematicheskuju logiku (LGU,1959)(ru)(L)(T)(55s)_MAml_.djvu
1.42 Mb
Popov A.I. Vvedenie v matematicheskuju logiku (Izdatel#stvo Leningradskogo universiteta imeni Zhdanova, 1959)(T)(109s)(ru)(K).djvu
1.33 Mb
Parshin A.N., Shafarevich I.R., (eds.) Springer, Popov, Vinberg. Algebraic geometry IV. Linear algebraic groups. Invariant theory (Enc.Math.55, Springer)(T)(287s).djvu
3.22 Mb
Popov A.A. Nemeckij jazyk dlja vseh 2. Kniga dlja prodolzhajushchih (2002)(ru)(T)(304s)_L_.djvu
3.20 Mb
Popov A.A. Nemeckij jazyk dlja vseh 1. Kniga dlja nachinajushchih (2002)(ru)(T)(303s)_L_.djvu
3.18 Mb
Popov V.I. Sistemy orientacii i stabilizacii kosmicheskih apparatov (2e izd., Mashinostroenie, 1986)(ru)(K)(600dpi)(T)(184s)_E_.djvu
4.01 Mb
Popov B.G. Raschet mnogoslojnyh konstrukcij variacionno-matrichnymi metodami (MGTU, 1993)(ru)(T)(297s)_EM_.djvu
2.68 Mb
Alfutov N.A., Zinov#ev P.A., Popov B.G. Raschet mnogoslojnyh plastin i obolochek iz kompozicionnyh materialov (1984)(ru)(T)(264s).djvu
2.79 Mb
Alfutov N.A., Zinov#ev P.A., Popov B.G. Raschet mnogoslojnyh plastin i obolochek iz kompozicionnyh materialov (1984)(ru)(264s).djvu
2.13 Mb
Popov E#.V. Obshchenie s E#VM na estestvennom jazyke (Nauka, 1982)(ru)(T)(360s)_CsAi_.djvu
5.75 Mb
Popov E.M., i dr. Problema belka, tom 2. Prostranstvennoe stroenie belka (1996) (ru)(T)(474s)_B_.djvu
6.35 Mb
Popov E.M. Problema belka, tom 3. Strukturnaja organizacija belka (1997) (ru)(T)(606s)_B_.djvu
7.73 Mb
Popov I.Yu. Lekcii po matematicheskoj fizike (ru)(57s).djvu
196 Kb
Problema belka, tom 3. Popov E.M. Strukturnaja organizacija belka (1997) (ru)(606s)_B_.djvu
5.81 Mb
Problema belka, tom 2. Popov E.M. i dr. Prostranstvennoe stroenie belka (1996) (ru)(474s)_B_.djvu
4.92 Mb
Algebraic geometry IV (Enc.Math.55, Springer 1994)
A.N. Parshin
I.R. Shafarevich
V.L. Popov
T.A. Springer
E.B. Vinberg
Algebraic geometry
3.30 Mb
Introductory electromagnetics
Zoya Popovic
Branko D. Popovic
5.83 Mb
Gauge Fields
Konopleva N.P.
Popov V.N.
5.02 Mb
Algebraic Geometry IV: Linear Algebraic Groups Invariant Theory
A.N. Parshin
I.R. Shafarevich
V.L. Popov
T.A. Springer
E.B. Vinberg
Алгебраическая геометрия
3.28 Mb
Computational Intelligence in Time Series Forecasting: Theory and Engineering Applications
Ajoy K. Palit
Dobrivoje Popovic
2.75 Mb
Introductory Electromagnetics
Z. Popovic
B. Popovic
Electromagnetics and Electrodynamics
40.09 Mb
Fundamental Aspects of Electrometallurgy
Konstantin Popov
Stojan S. Djokic
Branamir Grgur
Physical Chemistry
7.32 Mb
From Basic Research to Nanotechnology Carbon Nanotubes
Valentin N. Popov
Philippe Lambin
5.06 Mb
Introductory Electromagnetics
Z. Popovic
B. Popovic
40.09 Mb
A bivariate uniform autoregressive process
Ristic M.M.
Popovic B.C.
287 Kb
Concrete Materials: Properties, Specifications and Testing
Sandor Popovics
31.31 Mb
Engineering Mechanics of Solids
Egor P. Popov
30.47 Mb
Nanostructured Materials for Advanced Technological Applications
Johann Reithmaier
Plamen Petkov
Wilhelm Kulisch
Cyril Popov
63.34 Mb
Thermal Oxidation of Polymer Blends: The Role of Structure
Anatoly A. Popov
Gennady E. Zaikov Lyudmila S. Shibryaeva
3.69 Mb
Hall effect devices
R.S. Popovic
'Hall effect devices.'
21.71 Mb
Science of Nanotechnology
Luanne Tilstra
S. Allen Broughton
Robin S. Tanke
Daniel Jelski
Valentina French
Gouping Zhang
Alexander K. Popov
Arthur B. Western
Thomas F. George
16.51 Mb
An Introduction to the Mathematics of Money: Saving and Investing
Ajoy K. Palit
Dobrivoje Popovic
2.31 Mb
Reciprocal Frame Architecture
Olga Popovic Larsen
9.44 Mb
Gauge Fields
Konopleva N.P.
Popov. V. N.
5.02 Mb
Gauge Fields
Konopleva N. P.
Popov. V. N.
1.20 Mb
Computational Intelligence in Time Series Forecasting: Theory and Engineering Applications (Advances in Industrial Control)
Ajoy K. Palit
Dobrivoje Popovic
2.75 Mb
Introductory Electromagnetics
Zoya Popovic
Branko D. Popovic
46.84 Mb
Knife Combat. Version of Spetsnaz GRU
Alexander Popov
1.93 Mb
Domain Decomposition Techniques for Boundary Elements : Application to Fluid Flow (Advances in Boundary Elements)
V. Popov
H. Power
L. Skerget
V. Popov
H. Power
L. Skerget
8.88 Mb
Boundary Elements and Other Mesh Reduction Methods XXIX (Wit Transactions on Modelling and Simulation)
C. A. Brebbia
D. Poljak
V. Popov
C. A. Brebbia
D. Poljak
V. Popov
14.74 Mb
Mechatronics in Engineering Design and Product Development
Dobrivojie Popovic
2.02 Mb
Modern analysis and applications, - Mark Krein centenary conf.
Vadim Adamyan
Yu.M. Berezansky
Israel Gohberg
Myroslav L. Gorbachuk
Valentyna Gorbachuk
Anatoly N. Kochubei
Heinz Langer
Gennadi Popov
MCf_Functional analysis
2.50 Mb
Modern analysis and applications, - Mark Krein centenary conf.
Vadim Adamyan
Yu.M. Berezansky
Israel Gohberg
Myroslav L. Gorbachuk
Valentyna Gorbachuk
Anatoly N. Kochubei
Heinz Langer
Gennadi Popov
MCf_Functional analysis
2.94 Mb
Contact Mechanics and Friction
Valentin L. Popov
PC_Classical physics
PCem_Elastic media
4.22 Mb
Contact mechanics and friction: Physical principles and applications
Valentin L. Popov
EM_Mechanics of elastic materials
4.59 Mb
Lithological-Paleogeographic maps of Paratethys. 10 maps. Late Eocene to Pliocene
Popov S.V.
Rogl F.
Rozanov A.Y.
20.55 Mb
Contact Mechanics and Friction: Physical Principles and Applications
Valentin L. Popov
13.97 Mb
Kontaktmechanik und Reibung: Von der Nanotribologie bis zur Erdbebendynamik
Valentin L. Popov
6.11 Mb
Skeletal Muscle As a Response Target: The Link Between Growth and Metabolism
M. B. Ranke
V. Popovic-brkic
10.16 Mb
Analysis of Metallic Antennas and Scatters
Branko D. Popovic
Branko M. Kolundzija
8.75 Mb
Modern Analysis and Applications: The Mark Krein Centenary Conference: Operator Theory and Related Topics
Vadim Adamyan
Yu.M. Berezansky
Israel Gohberg
Myroslav L. Gorbachuk
Valentyna Gorbachuk
Anatoly N. Kochubei
Heinz Langer
Gennadi Popov
3.02 Mb
Anatoli Popov
High Density Plasma Sources
Popov O.A.
Editor. Park Ridge
Physics and Performance
22.47 Mb
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